If you are involved in caring for an older family member, or anticipate that you will be in the future, you will need to determine what level of care you will be able provide to them. To help you with this process, we invite you to visit the many caregiver resource sites available through the Internet. The Area Agency on Aging of the Permian Basin does not endorse or recommend any of these resources. The list is furnished for informational purposes only.
Administration on Aging – National Family Caregiver Support Program
This site provides an overview of the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and contains links to pages containing information on: Program Development Issues Briefs · Research · National Programs & Reports · State and Local Programs · Resources and Tools · Listserv and Technical Advisory Group Summaries · Additional Links The site also indicates that a Caregiver Handbook will be posted online soon.
Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families: Call toll free 1-800-677-1116 to find the telephone number of your local information and referral service. The resources are organized by national, state, and other resources, as well as including a listing of online articles and handbooks.
The Alzheimer’s Association, a national network of chapters, is the largest national voluntary health organization committed to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and helping those affected by the disease. The site includes a listing of local chapters by state.
National Alliance for Caregiving
This is a non-profit agency supporting caregivers and the professionals that serve them – particularly note Reports and Products and Family Care Resource Connection.
National Family Caregiver Association
NFCA is a grass roots organization created to educate, support, empower and speak up for the millions of Americans who care for chronically ill, aged or disabled loved ones. NFCA is the only constituency organization that reaches across the boundaries of different diagnoses, different relationships and different life stages to address the common needs and concerns of all family caregivers. Through its resources in the areas of information and education; support and validation; public awareness and advocacy, NFCA strives to minimize the disparity between a caregiver’s quality of life and that of mainstream Americans. Explore this web site and find out more about caregiving, what NFCA has to offer, about projects and programs underway and those that are planned for the future.
National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification
Based at the University of Southern California , this organization provides a clearinghouse of information on supportive housing and home modification. Particularly note the National Directory of Home Modification Programs.
The Family Caregiver Alliance is a California-based non-profit agency that provides important national policy information and research findings on caregiving and caregiver support programs – particularly note their new Caregiving Policy Digest and online caregiver support group.